Once upon a time, there was a tiny star called Stella. She was not the same as all other stars in the sky at night. While all her friends remained bright throughout the long endless night, Stella was already tired by the time the moon rose high up.

When the sun went down, and the whole world became dark, Stella would twinkle softly and wish her friends good night. But as the night went on, she would feel that she wanted to yawn and stretch and go to bed.
One night, when Stella’s twinkles had almost faded, a gentle voice whispered through the cosmos.
“Hello, dear Stella,”
it said. Stella blinked and looked around. Who could be speaking to her?
“Who’s there?”
she replied, her light flickering with curiosity.
“I am Luna, the moon,”

the voice replied.
“I see you shining so beautifully, but you seem tired. Is something bothering you?”
What you’re supposed to feel as you read the following words is warm comfort from Luna. Stella says,
“I get so sleepy when the moon is up, and I can’t stay awake like my friends can.”
They have a gentle light from Luna.
“Dear Stella, there is nothing to be ashamed of when you need rest. In fact, I have a secret for you. When stars like you are sleeping, you are traveling to the land of dreams—this special world where imagination becomes real.”
Stella’s tiny light brightened.
Luna nodded.
“Sure, in a dream, one can go and explore the magical lands, meet new friends, and have some fun. It’s kind of a plane where only stars can go.”
Stella’s sleepiness turned into excitement.
“I want to visit that place!”
“Then close your eyes and let your light guide you,” Luna whispered.

Stella closed her eyes, and as she did, her light grew softer and softer until it was a warm, gentle glow. Suddenly, Stella’s body felt as though it was rising into the sky, floating on the soft breeze of dreams.
She had landed in a world full of colors that she had not seen before. The place was filled with talking animals, playful clouds, and rivers made of sparkling stardust. Stella laughed as she danced with firefly fairies and played hide-and-seek with shooting stars.
In that wonderland land, time seemed to be looping around and twisting. Stella would prance through emerald meadows, jumping from one to another, and dance up to the atmospheres of skies filled with cotton candy clouds. She would learn the art of painting moonbeams in rainbows and singing with the wind. But as the sky started to brighten, Stella knew it was time to return. Luna’s voice echoed in her dreams.

“Remember, dear Stella, you can visit this world whenever you close your eyes and let your light guide you.”
Opening her eyes to find herself once again in the night sky, Stella’s heart opened wide with awe. And now, her friends twinkled in glee, for she had joined them, and her light shone brighter than even before. From that night on, Stella would have her own time of shining—to sleep.
For she would then, in dreams, go off to magical places, have grand adventures, and come back to the night sky with tales of her dreamy escapades. That means every night, as you gaze up, remember: Stella is twirling through dreams up there, waiting for her stories to be told with anyone brave enough to close their eyes and let their light guide them into those dreams.
Moral: The story of Stella points out very clearly the important message that we should take good rest. Yes, when we sleep, we are bound to find beautiful places. It works like the magical power that refreshes a person, and through dreams, it can lead one into wonderful adventures.
The end
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